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Tentative Agreement on New Ranks August 6th, 2014

August 07, 2014 / PSU-AAUP

On behalf of the AAUP Collective Bargaining Team, I’m pleased to announce that we reached agreement with PSU administration over salaries for the new Non-Tenure Track Faculty ranks as well as the procedures for re-ranking procedures. read more >


PSU-AAUP Bargaining Update June 16, 2014

June 17, 2014 / PSU-AAUP

We made significant progress yesterday in interim bargaining over salaries for the new non-tenure track faculty/researcher ranks. PSU administration accepted our proposed salary minimums and outlined the procedures they will follow as faculty re-rank into the newly adopted titles read more >


Update on Bargaining New Ranks June 6th, 2014

June 06, 2014 / PSU-AAUP

On Thursday, June 5th, the two teams met for a second bargaining session to negotiate the effects of the implementation of the revision to the University Promotion and Tenure Guidelines, and to set salaries for the new fixed-term faculty rates. read more >


Raises are finally here!

May 26, 2014 / PSU-AAUP

Raises are finally here! The first 2.5% COLA increase (retroactive to Feb 1, 2014 for 9 month employees and Jan.1, 2014 for 12 month employees) will be distributed in our May paychecks. According to HR, you will be paid your new COLA adjusted rate for this pay period (4/16/14---5/15/14) and will receive your retroactive pay in a separate line item in this month's check. read more >


President’s Weekly Message: The Fight for the Budget and Academic Values- April 27, 2014

April 28, 2014 / PSU-AAUP

Announcements: Join PSU-AAUP in Portland's May Day March, May 1, 4 pm Shemanski Park Please join Together 4 PSU (PSU-AAUP, students, staff & part-time faculty), connecting with the community to "Fight for the Future of 'Portland's University'" We'll pass out stickers as marchers start to leave the park, then join the march! PSU-AAUP Reimburses Members for Graduation Regalia Rental! Contact PSU Office Coordinator Tita Compere, read more >


Executive Council Recommends Contract Ratification

April 11, 2014 / PSU-AAUP

The PSU-AAUP Executive Council - Ted Donlan, Bob Liebman, Anh Ly, Karen Kennedy, Mary King, Ron Narode, Eva Nuñez, Judy Patton, Patricia Schechter, Bob Schroeder, and Leanne Serbulo - voted yesterday to recommend Sunday's Tentative Agreement to members for ratification as our contract for 2013-2015 read more >


President’s Weekly Message: Strike Settlement!  Big Win!- April 6, 2014

April 06, 2014 / PSU-AAUP

Organization & Strike Threat Get Unprecedented Gains! - Keep Contract Protections for P & T Guidelines, Past Practices - Big Shift in Number, Certainty & Length of Fixed Term Contracts - Advancement Path for APs - Raises Tied to Seniority - Retain Contract Protection for AP "Positions" - Meaningful Planning for Academic Quality - Cost of Living Increases 2.5% and 2.5%, Mid-Year as for Others - 1.5% Across the Board Faculty Comparator Adjustment - 8% Promotion Increases - Travel Fund Doubled, Faculty Enhancement Fund up 30% - Post Tenure Review Will NOT result in Changed Job Description - No Retaliation Against AAUP Members for Union Activity read more >


Strike Notice Delivered to Pres Wiewel

April 03, 2014 / PSU-AAUP

This message - sent at 2 am - appears to have been diverted into people's Spam folders or blocked altogether. This message was resent at 6:32am. Late this afternoon, the PSU-AAUP attorneys sent notice to the Oregon Employment Relations Board and PSU Admin that we are ready to strike, starting Weds, April 16th at 6 am. read more >


President’s Weekly Message: Divide & Conquer? The Good, the Bad & the Ugly!- March 31, 2014

March 31, 2014 / PSU-AAUP

GOOD NEWS: Eight hundred people participating in a Strike Authorization Vote, 94% voting to authorize, changed the dynamic at the table. BAD NEWS: The Admin Offer Still - Guts Protections for the P & T Guidelines and Unwritten Work Policies - Fails to Provide an Advancement Path for APs - Leaves Too Many Fixed-term Faculty in Short-Term Contracts - Rejects Better Planning for Academic Quality - Fails to Keep 90% of us whole with respect to inflation, for academic year - Allows all Summer Session Budget and Pay Cuts - Refuses Bigger Promotion Raises - Etc, Etc, Etc read more >


President’s Weekly Message: FABULOUS Info Picket!!!  Contract Expired???- March 2, 2014

March 02, 2014 / PSU-AAUP

OUTRAGEOUSLY FABULOUS INFO PICKET & WALKOUT!!! "Best PSU Rally EVER!!!!" in the words of Margaret Butler, an expert on rallies and PSU, as the long-time Exec Director of Portland's Jobs with Justice and daughter of beloved PSU Librarian, Kenneth Butler. 350 PSU Faculty and APs stayed out in the cold rain to picket and rally on Thursday, carrying signs and chanting, "Who is PSU? We are PSU!" read more >

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