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Bargaining Update: Towards a family-friendly PSU?

June 17, 2015 / PSU-AAUP

Bargaining Session 1: Towards a family-friendly PSU?
Leanne Serbulo, VP of Collective Bargaining

Yesterday we began discussing the Family-Friendly Task Force’s leave bank proposal. This proposal would allow us to donate up to 3 hours of unused sick time to a leave bank. Participants could then withdraw up to 30 days paid leave if they have an unexpected illness or life-changing event and have not accumulated enough paid time off to cover it. Both bargaining teams endorsed the leave bank idea after a short presentation...Read more at

In other news...

  • Congratulations José Padín! We are very pleased to announce that our own José Padín, current PSU-AAUP Vice President Grievances and Academic Freedom and current AAUP-Oregon President, has been elected to one of three at-large seats on the National AAUP Collective Bargaining Congress (AAUP-CBC) for a two-year term of office. PSU-AAUP is a member of the AAUP-CBC. The AAUP-CBC oversees AAUP organizing nationwide, and provides a mechanism for CB Chapters like PSU-AAUP to be in relationship and coalition with other AAUP collective bargaining chapters in the US. Learn more about AAUP-CBC.
  • SEIU will rally for a fair contract this Thursday June 18th at noon in the Park Blocks. Please wear your AAUP t-shirt and stand in solidarity with classified staff.
  • Imagine a Cold, Cold Ice Cream. Join us next week, Wednesday June 24th, 3-4pm on the Urban Center Terrace (4th floor) for sunshine, a scoop of Ben & Jerry's ice cream and an update from your bargaining team. This is the first of three summer socials.

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