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Promoting Quality Higher Education– An Investment in Oregon’s Future


Three Tentative Agreements

August 05, 2015 / PSU-AAUP

The University and AAUP are pleased to announce that we have come to three tentative agreements in our current contract negotiations.  The following changes will be made to our successor Collective Bargaining Agreement:

  • Letter of Agreement to continue the Task Force on Academic Quality:
    •  Continuation of the current Faculty Senate Academic Quality task force
    •  Representation from:  Faculty Senate, University, AAUP
    •  University provides staffing support for the task force
    •  Presently developing aspirational practices that support Academic Quality.
  • Letter of Agreement to create a Standing Committee on Work/Life Balance:
    •  Resulted from Family Friendly Task Force discussions
    •  Representation from: Faculty Senate, University, AAUP
    •  University will assist with scheduling and provide staff support
    •  Committee charged with: updating PSU Work/Life Policy Statement, researching spousal hiring practices, examining campus recreational opportunities for employees and their families
    •  May become a standing committee dedicated to improving work/life balance at PSU
  •  Creation of a Sick Leave Bank:
    •  Article 32 changed to: Family and Medical Leave and Sick Leave Bank
    •  AAUP members join the Sick Leave Bank by pledging 3 hours of their accumulated sick leave
    •  Upon approval, members of the bank can withdraw up to 30 days of sick leave from the bank after they have exhausted their own sick leave
    •  Leave from the bank can be used for an employee illness, to care for a family member, or for parental leave
    •  Sick leave bank members may apply for an additional 30 days of leave if necessary
    •  Leave will be converted into dollars upon withdrawal
    •  Sick leave bank donations will be randomized, so no one department or unit will face a disproportionate financial burden when leave is withdrawn
    •  AAUP will receive quarterly reports from HR on the status of the Leave Bank
    •  Calls for additional sick leave hours will be issued if the accumulated, pledged leave becomes too low

The tentative agreements we reached will become part of our successor Collective Bargaining Agreement and will be ratified by PSU AAUP members and the Board of Trustees.  The Sick Leave Bank will be established after ratification.  The Academic Quality and Work/Life Balance Task Forces can continue their work under Letters of Agreement in our current CBA.
AAUP and the University look forward to continuing our discussions using the Interest-Based Bargaining process.  We hope to announce additional tentative agreements soon!

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