Bargaining is about to begin!
During the past few months, the Collective Bargaining team went out to more than 30 departments and units across campus and conducted listening sessions to find out what you wanted to see in our next contract. We also gathered input at our Winter and Spring caucus meetings.
Based upon what we heard from you, we developed a list of issues that we plan to address in this round of negotiations. In interest-based bargaining, we present the administration with issues or problems rather than a specific list of demands. Through the bargaining process, we will develop mutually acceptable solutions to these problems.
Click here to view the PSU-AAUP 2015-17 Collective Bargaining Issues
Thanks to all of the unit reps and organizers who helped schedule listening sessions. Unfortunately, we were not able to get out to every department, but we still want to hear from you. You can:
- Contact the team (email Leanne at or to set-up a listening session.
- Share your story. Tell us how these issues affect your day-to-day work-life at PSU. Email your story to Leanne ( or We’ll have an opportunity to share members’ stories at the bargaining table. We’ll keep your story anonymous, unless you give us permission to share your name.
These issues play out differently across campus. The better informed we are about how these issues affect your unit, the better able we will be to craft solutions that work for everyone.
Finally, bargaining doesn’t just happen at the table. As we learned last year, we can only make progress on our issues if we are organized, unified and active. While we’re hopeful that this round of negotiations will be less contentious than the last, our team can’t do this alone.
To have strength at the table, we need your support! Join us next week for a:
Bargaining Kick-Off Rally from 12-1 PM on Wednesday, May 6th
In the Park Blocks near Smith Center
The theme of this rally is “Imagine…a different PSU.” Come and share your vision of what PSU could be.
This is a joint action organized with PSUFA, the adjunct faculty union, which also begins bargaining this May. Our classified colleagues from SEIU and student allies are also co-sponsoring this event. We’ll also be celebrating national AAUP’s 100th birthday. Wear red, hold a sign and celebrate AAUP with a birthday cupcake!