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Session 7: Frustrating Day at the Table

September 01, 2015 / PSU-AAUP

By Leanne Serbulo, VP for Collective Bargaining

We are still discussing Non-Tenure Track Faculty (NTTF) employment issues. We had hoped to finish processing this issue by now, but our two sides remain far apart on a pivotal aspect of the proposal—how to convert current non-tenure track faculty members into continuous appointments. We spent the entire day dealing with this issue, yet don’t seem much closer to coming to an acceptable solution.

Read more about August 31st bargaining session at

After a few caucuses and more discussion, we remained stuck.
Our next bargaining session is on Wednesday, September 9th from 10-4 in ASRC 620. We hope we will be able to settle this issue in our next session and be able to move on to our other bargaining priorities (Academic Professional issues, Summer School, Professional Development, Economic issues, etc.).

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