Representatives of the Better Oregon coalition came together the week of the election and decided that we would stay together for the long haul. - See more at:
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“Nobody cared about the buildings,” Sullivan said. “Nobody took ownership.”
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July 13, 2016 / PSU-AAUP
"While each school's board of trustees has the authority to hire and fire the presidents and holds public meetings, the presidential council doesn't intend to open its doors to the general public."
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June 06, 2016 / PSU-AAUP
In 2016, Oregon saw an 8.8 percent increase from a year earlier in the number of students who completed the application. Oregon also leads the nation in the percent increase in submitted-but-incomplete applications, according to an analysis from the National College Access Network.
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May 19, 2016 / PSU-AAUP
“In 2014, Oregon, with a population of 3.9 million, had total state expenditures of $7.9 billion; it spent $347 million on higher education, less than half of the $885 million it spent on corrections.”
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May 17, 2016 / PSU-AAUP
“Low-achieving, high-income students are able to go to college much easier than high-achieving, low-income students,” Scott said. “If our democracy is going to mean anything, we have to make opportunities available to everybody.”
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May 02, 2016 / PSU-AAUP
New University of Oregon president prioritizes the hiring of tenure-track faculty and academics over athletics.
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“The protests had succeeded in generating a dialogue between the administration and the disillusioned educators.”
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In a single-sentence order, the Supreme Court announced that the judgment of a lower court rejecting this effort to defund public sector unions “is affirmed by an equally divided court.”
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According to a news release issued by the federal Environmental Protection Agency, the wastes — nearly 2,000 containers of laboratory chemicals and other substances — were unsafely stored and inadequately identified
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The University of Oregon's police chief has abruptly left the post.
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Raising tuition every year has become a higher-education rite of passage, almost as predictable as graduation ceremonies.
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Out-of-state residents accounted for nearly one-third of the degrees and certificates awarded at Oregon's seven public universities during the 2014-15 school year, according to new figures released by a state agency Friday.
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On Monday, February 1st, members delivered a letter to PSU President Wim Wiewel introducing themselves and asking him to pledge to not interfere in any way in the formation of their union. They've already spoken to hundreds of grad employees on campus, and it’s clear that organizing a union is the right way forward.
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Oregon slashed per-student spending on higher education more than all but one other state between 2000 and 2014, according to a new national study.
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Portland lawyer Jill Gibson has, as she'd promised, filed another initiative petition to make Oregon a "right to work" state, at least for public employees.
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Ought faculty and academic professionals feel a strong sense of civic responsibility on account of the nature of our work? What is the basis for such a sense of duty? Academic freedom.
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A federal jury has awarded $755,000 to a former public-safety officer at the University of Oregon after determining that his supervisors at the institution retaliated against him for blowing the whistle on mismanagement and a juvenile culture in the campus’s police department.
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In states with strong unions, the standard of living for all workers, not just union members, is raised. And those improved standards aren’t just limited to wages and benefits: States with strong unions also have safer workplaces.
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The sponsor of a proposed ballot measure aimed at making union dues voluntary for public employees may well drop the initiative after receiving a politically unpalatable ballot title.
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