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Petition against “right to Shirk” in Oregon

March 01, 2017 / PSU-AAUP



Emboldened by November’s election, conservative politicians, backed by big-business donors, have renewed their aggressive push for “right-to-work” policies. Paving the way for corporations to increase their power in workplaces and politics, lawmakers in Kentucky and Missouri enacted right-to-work laws in just the last few weeks. And now, extremist members of Congress have set their sights on passing federal legislation to make right to work the law of the land.

Sign our emergency petition to Congressional and local lawmakers that “right to work” is wrong for your state and wrong for the country.

Sign the Petition!

You and I know that right to work won’t lead to more manufacturing plants or better jobs. Instead, it will make it easier for CEOs to eliminate workplace protections like safety rules and decrease wages for all.

Our workplaces benefit from strong unions of working people whose members bring about a better standard of living for all of us. Politicians and CEOs driving right to work schemes want to weaken unions because their goal is to increase corporate profits and make the rich richer.

Make your voice heard to stop greedy corporate forces from making our workplaces and communities worse. Sign our petition NOW.

There’s no time to waste. We’re joining with community, labor, civil rights, faith, and student groups to stop right to work and expand working people’s ability to earn a fair return on their work. Together, we will unite against corporate interests and conservative lawmakers intent on slashing wages and weakening unions of working people.



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