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Update on Senate Bill 214- change to PERS for post-doctoral scholars

March 01, 2017 / PSU-AAUP

Since SB214 was introduced PSU-AAUP has been interacting with the lobbyists for the Universities (who are lead by the Libby Batlan, Senior Director of State Relations at University of Oregon) through AAUP-Oregon Lobbyist Chris Parta over revisions to the -1 amendments to the bill. A hearing has been scheduled on the bill in the Senate Committee on Workforce on March 6, 2017 3:00 PM in Hearing Room A. 

PSU-AAUP understands the importance of the issue to the 20 faculty members who brought the new position of postdoctoral fellow to the faculty senate on February 4, 2014, and to the senators who voted in June 2016 to support UAUO's efforts for a legislative solution to the issue. 

PSU-AAUP is very interested in supporting legislation that allows for the employment of post-doctoral scholars under the following terms:

1. employment for no more than five years;

2. the post-doc scholars have a portable retirement program where they immediately vest (and does not require employer contributions to PERS);

3. the post-doctoral scholar will receive clinical or academic research training under formal mentorship of a faculty member at PSU.

The issues with the portable retirement system have been addressed. PSU-AAUP's last concern with the bill has been the definition of formal mentorship. Our last proposal, which appears like it will be acceptable to the Universities, provides for a formal mentorship program that is in writing, and that it must teach professional research skills needed to pursue the post-doctoral scholar’s anticipated career path in line with the requirements necessary for the funding of sponsored research projects that include funding for post-doctoral scholars. 

The Universities advised that our latest revision was acceptable, so the bill as amended will be presented to the legislative committee, and the Executive Council, for endorsement and support consideration in anticipation of the March 6, 2017 hearing.

It should be noted that if the bill (in any form) passes, it will not be enacted immediately. There is no emergency clause on the bill, so enactment will be in the future. The bill, however, does not require Universities that do not have post doctoral scholars to implement the bill and employ them. It is reasonable to assume, however, that PSU will want to introduce the category of employee, and administrators have already agreed informally with PSU-AAUP that they will bargain with us over bargaining unit inclusion, retirement, wages, and certain conditions of employment. We would hope to commence bargaining prior to the enactment date so that PSU can take advantage of the statute as soon as available.

We will report out as we know more.

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