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Promoting Quality Higher Education– An Investment in Oregon’s Future


Oregon’s higher Education Funding Woes continue

January 26, 2017 / PSU-AAUP

Oregon's Higher Education Funding Woes Continue Unabated
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
By Ramin Farahmandpur, Speakout | News Analysis

A crisis persists across the nation.

Public higher education funding in Oregon, as well as in other states, remains low. Dismayed university presidents reacted to Gov. Kate Brown's proposed 2017-19 budget for its flat fundingof the prior biennium's $667.3 million.

In their January letter to the governor, the presidents warned that unless the Legislature improves her budget by an additional $100 million, students will face tuition hikes. They wrote: "To keep tuition increases below 5 percent at most universities, and also preserve current financial aid and student support services, state investment in the Public University Support Fund (PUSF) will need to increase by at least $100 million above the Governor's Budget -- in the 2017-19 biennium."

The timing of their protest couldn't be worse. The state faces a $1.7 billion budget deficit next biennium. A 2016 ballot measure to raise new revenues might have closed the gap, but corporate opposition to the gross receipts tax proposal ensured its defeat at the polls.

To read the entire article, go here

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