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Proposals in Salem to slash PERS yet again

February 22, 2017 / PSU-AAUP

The state’s powerful business lobbyists are pushing state lawmakers to make drastic cuts to PERS retirement benefits.

It’s essential that your state representative and senator hear from you today. They need to hear the other side of the story about how these cuts will affect you and your family.

Learn more and contact your lawmaker at

The PERS proposals are extreme, illegal and unfair cuts to our retirement benefits. It is outrageous that some lawmakers want to cut our benefits while Oregon corporations pay the lowest tax rate in the nation. Meanwhile, prescription drug and health care costs are going through the roof.

Tell your lawmaker what’s at stake:

 We need to remind lawmakers that the Oregon Supreme Court has spoken: a deal is a deal. They cannot cut the benefits we have earned.

 We also need to remind them about the staffing shortfalls that will come if these cuts are passed and we can no longer offer teachers, firefighters, nurses and other public employees a secure retirement.

Go to Contact your lawmaker today.

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