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Promoting Quality Higher Education– An Investment in Oregon’s Future


Two hear about higher education issues

May 17, 2016 / PSU-AAUP

“Low-achieving, high-income students are able to go to college much easier than high-achieving, low-income students,” Scott said. “If our democracy is going to mean anything, we have to make opportunities available to everybody.” read more >


Moving Past Checking the Box

May 10, 2016 / PSU-AAUP

Education Department urges colleges to rethink whether they should ask applicants about criminal and disciplinary records -- and to be more nuanced when they do so. read more >


The Liberal Arts at War

May 05, 2016 / PSU-AAUP

The values that undergird higher education as a guarantor of human dignity and enlightenment are under a special intensity of attack, argues Robert Weisbuch, while we in academe seem preoccupied with the little stuff. read more >


Confronting PSU Foundation’s gambling habit: Editorial Agenda 2016

May 04, 2016 / PSU-AAUP

"The foundation is devoting funds that could have gone directly to support students. That $375,000 amounts to 12 percent of the $3.2 million that the foundation handed out in scholarships for the entire 2014-2015 year. It's also more than a fifth of what the foundation gave in faculty and staff compensation for that same year." read more >


UC-Davis Chancellor Is Placed on Leave

April 29, 2016 / PSU-AAUP

The chancellor of the University of California at Davis, Linda P.B. Katehi, was placed on administrative leave on Wednesday night, pending an investigation of information that “raises serious questions” about whether she may have violated university policies, according to a statement from the office of the president of the University of California system. read more >


The Racial Environment in Higher Ed

April 27, 2016 / PSU-AAUP

Students and community members gathered in Parkway North at the Smith Memorial Student Union to hear thoughts on race in higher education from a panel of five that included students and community activists. read more >

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