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Statistics on the donated sick leave bank

April 20, 2017 / PSU-AAUP

We have answers to the most recent questions asked about the bank:

  1.  # hours in bank before most recent allocation (that triggered the special call that ended March 30, 2017)

The bank was in the deficit by $-1,700 or -50 hours

  2.  # members of the bank before the most recent allocation

323 members were in the bank before the most recent call

  3.  # current members who responded to the special call

186 current members responded to ther special call

  4.  # of people who were not members that enrolled in the bank during the special call

91 new members have responded to the new call. The total membership now is 277 members

  5.  # of members whose request for donated sick leave was approved (that triggered the special call)

12 members received sick bank allocations 

  6.  # of hours that were donated by the bank

The hours were converted into dollars. $99,881.18 was paid out for sick leave by the bank

  7.  # of hours that remain in the bank

The bank currently has 0 hours remaining before the next special call

  8.  Are you aware of any allocation requests on the horizon? If so, how many members?

HR advises they are aware of babies coming next month, but has no knowledge of illness requests on the horizon.

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