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About PSU-AAUP Associate & Emeritus Membership

Associate Membership

Associate Membership is a class of membership designed for Portland State employees that are not in the PSU-AAUP bargaining unit. It is completely voluntary. 

Though Associate membership is non-voting membership, there are significant benefits to Associate membership:

  • Associate members get emails from us. We have an associate member email database and we keep associate members in the loop about issues impacting faculty at PSU in relationship with management and in state issues.
  • Associate members can get regalia reimbursement up to $58/year.
  • Associate members as a group freely use the Executive Director as a resource in their relationship with management as a manager, and in brainstorming strategies to problems from the basis of being an enlightened, employee-oriented manager.
  • AAUP members consult with Associate members to get a management perspective on faculty issues.
  • Associate members have the undying gratitude of AAUP members for standing in solidarity with them on issues that affect their employment, and quality higher education as an investment in Oregon’s future.
  • Affiliate Membership with AAUP National and AFT:

Associate membership dues are the same as regular membership. They are currently 1.164% of monthly salary (as of January 1, 2021).

We hope you will consider remaining an Associate member during your time away from the AAUP bargaining unit. If you have any questions about Associate Membership, contact

Associate Membership Application


Emeritus Membership

Retired from PSU and want to keep in touch with our latest updates and newsletters? Become an Emeritus Member today!

Emeritus membership is only for past members of the PSU-AAUP who have retired from services from Portland State University and no longer have earnings from PSU. As per the PSU-AAUP Constitution, Emeritus membership in PSU-AAUP have no voting rights and shall pay no Chapter dues. Emeritus members are expected to pay dues directly to National AAUP and you must provide documentation that shows you are a National AAUP Member.

Emeritus Membership Application