Got questions about membership? Click here for FAQs!

Here are some basics on our current collective bargaining contract. The complete CBA can be found HERE.

When should I contact the union? 
If you need help understanding the contract or need support for the following situations, contact

  • I believe I may have been unfairly evaluated.
  • I haven’t received my evaluation on time … or at all.
  • I might be facing disciplinary action.
  • I’m worried there may be backlash for exercising my academic freedom rights.
  • I think my workload is unreasonable.
  • I believe a coworker or supervisor is discriminating against me.
  • Our supervisor has instituted new rules or that make my work life more difficult.
  • I need to strategize about how to approach a co-worker or supervisor.
    about a workplace issue.
  • I’m not sure where to go with my problem.


Table of Contents

Contract Term

New Changes & Continued Benefits for All Members

Changes & Continued Benefits: Specific to Instructional  Non-Tenure Track Faculty (NTTF‐I)

Changes & Continued Benefits for Research Non‐Tenure‐Track Faculty (NTTF‐R)

Changes & Continued Benefits for Academic Professionals

Changes & Continued Benefits for Tenured and Tenure‐Line Faculty

Task Forces

What Else Does Your Contract Do?


Contract Term

This contract is in effect from May 5, 2021, through November 30, 2024. PSU-AAUP negotiated a “contract reopener” on economics, including cost-of-living adjustments, in 2022. Those newly-negotiated benefits are now incorporated into the 2021 – 2024 contract.


New Changes & Continued Benefits for All Members

  Cost of Living Adjustments

In the contract reopener negotiated over the course of 2022, the AAUP bargaining team took an equity approach to cost-of-living salary raises. The results were cost-of-living adjustments for everyone, but with an emphasis on the lower end of the salary bands.

Calendar Year 2023. COLAs for 2023 go into effect on January 1, 2023 for 12-month employees in the AAUP bargaining unit; and, on February 1, 2023, for 9-month employees.

As discussed in bargaining FAQs (9/20/22) and in the recent Q&A sessions with bargaining team members, the AAUP used an equity lens when designing cost-of-living proposals for this bargaining round. In an inflationary period, those with lower incomes are hit much harder given that they spend a far greater share of their household income on core needs such as fuel, food, utilities, housing, and transportation. Almost one-quarter of AAUP bargaining unit members earn less than $60,000 a year; and 58% earn less than $80,000. Inflation has hit these members particularly hard. Cost-of-living increases that emphasize higher percentages on the lower end of the income scale are one of the best ways in the short term to address these inequities.

Collectively, for 2023, 81% of the membership will receive COLAs of at least 5%, while 46% would receive COLAs of at least 7%.

Salary Segments
COLAs are calculated by applying different percentage increases to different segments of one’s salary. For a quick explanation of graduated COLAS watch this short video: How Graduated COLAs Work

The first $60,000 of your annual salary rate will increase by 8.0%. If you earn more than $60,000, the next segment of your salary, up to $80,000, will increase by 2.0%. And if you earn more than $80,000, the next segment of your salary, up to $110,000, would increase by 0.5%.

You can compute your exact COLA, by percentage and in dollars, by using this salary calculator. (Click to download the Excel file -- then you can enter your individual data).

Calendar Year 2024. For the fourth year of the current contract, there is a return to using a flat-rate COLA indexed to the inflation rate. The year-over-year inflation rate will be based on the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers for the West Region (CPI-U West), as of October 2023. There will be a floor and a ceiling: 2024 COLAs will be no less than 1.75% and no more than 3.5%. (The Oregon Office of Economic Analysis, in its December 2022 Oregon Economic and Revenue Forecast, expected inflation to be 4.7% in 2023 and 2.8% in 2024.)

The salary calculator will also show your 2024 percentage and dollar increase, and the total increase over the remaining two years of the current contract.

Note: For members who receive other salary increases in 2023 (e.g., promotion, professional advancement, post-tenure or post-continuous appointment reviews, etc.), 2024 COLAs will be somewhat higher than what the above chart shows because COLAs are calculated after those increases have been applied to base salaries. If you want to factor in an expected non-COLA increase, use the salary calculator.

Click here to read the contract language.

  Sick Leave Bank

The Sick Leave Bank allows AAUP members to share unused sick leave with other members who need it. This Bank was negotiated by PSU-AAUP and opened in AY 2016-2017. All bargaining unit members are automatically enrolled in the Donated Sick Leave Bank (DSLB) on November 1 of each year. If you do not want to participate in the Sick Leave Bank, you can opt out during the month of October (at the same time you make other open enrollment decisions).

As a member of the Bank making an annual donation of 6 hours, if you face a situation in which you need to take extended time off for parental leave, catastrophic illness, or to care for a family member, once you’ve exhausted your own sick leave you can withdraw up to 60 days’ paid leave from the bank. There is no limit on the number of times you access the bank; you can access it for each separate, documented incident of need.

In the 2021-2024 contract, a big improvement was made to this benefit: new hires are automatically eligible for access the Sick Leave Bank immediately, if needed, even if they haven’t yet donated any hours into the system. This is true no matter when you are hired throughout the course of the year.

AAUP Sick Leave Bank donation request form

 Expansion of Staff Fee Privilege (tuition discounts)

New language negotiated in 2022 expands the staff fee privilege by allowing AAUP bargaining unit members to transfer a second tuition discount to a dependent who is enrolled in undergraduate courses at PSU. This expanded benefit was ratified in August and made available in the Fall 2022 term.
Click here to read the contract language.

  Individual Professional Development Accounts (IPDAs)

PSU-AAUP negotiated these accounts, which were launched July 2016. Funds in these accounts can be spent on travel, conference fees, professional organization dues, licensure or certification requirements, professional organization fees, workshops, tuition and/or fees, subscriptions and books, and specialized equipment.

The recently completed contract reopener expanded the ways in which you can use these funds, including:

  • Purchase of computers and peripherals (e.g., keyboard, headphones) beyond what the University provides for basic office use,
  • Contracting of professional services (e.g., transcription, surveys, 3-D printing) in support of research projects, and
  • Hiring student employees to provide administrative, technical, or other support for professional development activities.

Click here to see the new contract language defining approved uses of IPDA funds.

Note that unused money in your account will roll over for up to 4 years. Annual contributions to the IPDA accounts remain the same for this contract as the prior one: Tenure‐track and tenured faculty receive $1,100 annually; non‐tenure‐track faculty and researchers receive $600 annually; and APs receive $500 annually.

Members hired during the course of an academic year will have a prorated amount added to their IPDA accounts. Members hired at 0.5-0.74 FTE will have 75% of the above amount deposited to their accounts.

NOTE: During the COVID-19 pandemic, PSU-AAUP negotiated an extension of the rollover limit on these funds, since many people were unable to utilize them. That provision has now expired. This means you must spend down your IPDA to the maximum 4-year rollover amount by June 30, 2023.

To access these funds, talk to your unit-level supervisor.

  Caregivers Recognition & Support

Through the reopener negotiations in 2022, the Collective Bargaining Agreement now includes a new article entitled “Caregivers Recognition and Support.” These funds will be used for two purposes.

PSU will subscribe to a caregiving navigator system – an online marketplace for childcare, elder care, and other special needs care. PSU will cover the institutional cost estimated to be roughly $35,00 per year. The service provides a verified source for identifying and recommending services such as childcare centers, babysitters, home health aides, dog sitters and dog walkers, and more. The service would become available beginning in January 2023; and PSU Administration and PSU-AAUP would work together over the next few months to roll out the service.

Funding will also be available to support caregivers who incur extra expenses due to travel for conferences or professional development; and for occasional or unexpected work demands. Find more through our Family Friendly Fund page.

In January 2023, $115,000 will be allocated to this fund. An additional $175,000 will be added to the fund on July 1, 2023. Process details (how to apply, maximum amount per application, etc.) will be worked out by a joint labor-management committee, so the funds won’t be available until that has been finalized. Once the processes are established, the fund will be administered directly by the PSU-AAUP Chapter.

Click here to read the contract language.

  Academic Freedom

Academic Freedom language has been updated to acknowledge the challenges posed by new technologies and a changing political climate. A guide detailing resources and support available to members of the University community who are experiencing harassment or other undo pressure from individuals or groups off campus. This new language has been added to Article 12: “The University affirms its continued commitment to the protection of academic freedom with changes in the political and technological landscape.”

  Streetcar Access Update

After an agreement between the City and PSU expires in June 2023, which provides free access to all members, the University will continue to provide free access for members transiting between worksites. Other members may purchase Streetcar-only passes at a discounted rate.

  Expanded Family & Bereavement Leave Protections

PSU-AAUP has negotiated new, expanded protected leaves. New language includes siblings and opposite-sex domestic partners under the definition of "family": These family members are not currently covered under existing FMLA/OFLA law, but they now are under this contract. AAUP bargaining unit members can use family leave provisions under the contract for these family members now. 

This new contract language also allows members to take bereavement leave immediately upon hire; and, as with family leave, expands the definition of “family member” (to include anyone outside of the "family member" definition) for whom members are allowed to take bereavement leave.

Finally, new language allows members to take bereavement leave up to a year after your loved one’s passing, with department approval.

  Workload Protections

New language strengthens pre-existing language on workload, including a clear procedure for addressing workload problems.

This new procedure for faculty mirrors the one that was already in place for Academic Professionals. The agreement now establishes that Tenure Track and Non-Tenure Track faculty members (along with Academic Professionals) will not be assigned unreasonable or excessive workload. Additionally, faculty members are encouraged to balance their work so as not to overload themselves and are encouraged to seek assistance from their Department Chairs (or equivalent), as appropriate.

PSU Administration and PSU-AAUP recognize that the distribution of work may vary across disciplines and academic units, as well as during different stages of a faculty member’s academic career. 


Changes & Continued Benefits: Specific to Instructional Non-Tenure Track Faculty (NTTF‐I)

  Continuous Appointments & Post-Continuous Appointment Review

Most instructional Non-Tenure Track faculty positions are eligible for Continuous Appointments. “Continuous Appointment” means that non‐tenure‐track faculty members can become permanent faculty members with meaningful job security. Once on a continuous appointment, you can only be discharged if you receive sanctions warranting termination (see Article 27 of the contract for clarification); in case of retrenchment (layoffs), if your position is eliminated due to a programmatic change; or, if you receive an unsatisfactory evaluation and are unable to remediate within one year.

After continuous appointment status is awarded, Non-Tenure-Track faculty undergo post-continuous appointment reviews (PCAR) every 5 years, and will have expanded protections and opportunities for reconsideration if they disagree with the outcome of the review. University‐wide guidelines were developed for all continuous appointment‐related reviews by the Faculty Senate.

All Non-Tenure-Track faculty are now on a 5-year review cycle. A pay increase is linked to a positive post-continuous-appointment review (PCAR); members who received a positive PCAR at the 5-year mark will be eligible for the newly negotiated PCAR salary increase.

  Post-Continuous Appointment Review Salary Bump

Starting in the 2021-2022 AY, any non-tenure track faculty who had a positive PCAR will receive a salary bump of $1,900 the following September.

  Salary Equity Pool

Salary equity pools (a sum of money based upon a percentage of all salaries) were negotiated for tenure-line faculty in the 2015-2019 contract. These pools were designed to begin to address issues of salary compression and inversion and to start to bring our salaries more in line with our peers and closer to market value. In the 2021-2024 contract, similar pools were created to address compression and inversion in non-tenure-track faculty salaries. The size of these pools for 2021, 2022, and 2023 is equal to 0.8% of total faculty salaries.


Changes & Continued Benefits for Research Non‐Tenure‐Track Faculty (NTTF‐R)

*See also benefits for NTTF-I

  Continuous Appointments

Non‐tenure‐track researchers are eligible to convert to Continuous Appointment status with departmental approval. While most researchers work on “soft money,” some research units have a track record of stable funding year after year, and these units have the option of hiring researchers on continuous rather than short‐term appointments.

  Bridge Funding Pool Extension

This pool of money was established to cover non‐tenure‐track researcher pay and benefits in case of a temporary funding gap that necessitates layoff or a reduction in FTE. The one‐year pilot program was launched in September 2016 and has been extended for fiscal years 2021 and 2022 in the amount of $70,000 each year.

If all the monies in the Research Bridge Fund are not spent at the end of fiscal year 2021, these monies may carry over to fund the allocation for fiscal years 2022, 2023, 2024.


Changes & Continued Benefits for Academic Professionals

  New Salary Minimums for Academic Professionals

The transition of APs to new job families and individual contributor (IC) levels, which will go into effect on January 1, 2023, required negotiation of new salary minimums and maximums, and the TA on economics allocates 1.0% of total AP annual salary rates for the purpose of bringing AP salaries up to at least the new minimums. A process was established for use of the allocated 1.0% pool.

First, any salary below the new minimum for that job family and IC level will be increased to the new minimum. Once all Academic Professionals whose salaries are below the new minimums have been raised, the remainder of the 1.0% pool will then be used for the second step: a “retention increase.” This second step will increase salaries of all current employees to at least $51,900. These salary increases will become effective on January 1, 2023, and will be applied before the 2023 COLA. That is, the COLA will be applied to the newly increased salaries. Once the COLA increases are applied, no AP who is currently employed at PSU will earn less than $56,000 per year.

This salary calculator incorporates any applicable increases to new salary minimums as of January 1, 2023.

  Pay Equity for Academic Professionals

The reopener negotiations in 2022 established a fund equal to 0.8% of total annual salary rates to begin to address internal and external (market) inequities among APs’ salaries.

The model used for distributing faculty CIE increases is unlikely to work for APs because of the dearth of comparable market data, so a different model will be developed through additional negotiations (already underway). Whatever model is developed, targeted equity increases must become effective on July 1, 2023 for 12-month employees and on September 16, 2023 for 9-month employees. (These increases do not impact the other increases that the contract already provides for advancement within and between IC levels.)

Click here to read the contract language.

  Flex Schedules and Alternate Work Arrangements

Procedures for APs to obtain and be evaluated on alternative work schedules including remote work, compressed schedules, non-standard workdays, and flex time are more clearly explained in this contract. Flexible schedule language for APs allows them to request a compressed workweek (e.g., four 10-hour days), an alternate schedule (starting earlier or later), or the ability to work remotely. APs can make up time for a temporary need for time off like a doctor’s visit where the time can be made up outside of regular business hours.

  Internal Job Postings

AP positions will remain open to internal candidates only for a 10‐day period. Internal candidates who meet qualifications are guaranteed an interview.

  Longevity Increase

PSU-AAUP has negotiated a new longevity system for APs. APs with 4 years of experience at PSU will be eligible for a raise if they attained a satisfactory or above rating on their evaluations. The raise will be $1,600 to annual base salary; APs are eligible for this increase to base every four years beginning July 2022. The amount will remain the same for the duration of this contract.

  Annual Review of Position Descriptions

AP position descriptions will be reviewed annually. An appeal procedure has been established if APs feel their position description or position placement is not correct. If the Academic Professional and Supervisor believe the position description updates are significant enough to warrant a change to job groupings and/or career track and level, they shall make a request for a position placement review to Human Resources when they update the position description.

  Level Reassignment Salary Increase

APs reassigned to a higher level within the same job family will receive a pay increase. The minimum salary increase in 2021 will be $2,237 for 9-month employees or $2,723 for 12-month employees. This amount will be adjusted each year by the same percentage used for COLAs.

  Performance Improvement Plan

The University will provide support and training for supervisors about the AP evaluation process. If an AP receives a negative evaluation, a written performance improvement plan will be offered by the supervisor.


Changes & Continued Benefits for Tenured and Tenure‐Line Faculty

  Post‐Tenure Review

Tenured faculty members who successfully complete a post-tenure review will receive a $4,788 increase to their base salary. Post-tenure reviews occur on a 5-year cycle.

  Status Quo on Sabbatical Rates

Pay rates for faculty on sabbatical will remain the same. Currently, faculty receive 85% of their regular salary for a one‐term sabbatical, 80% for two terms and 75% for a full year.

  Salary Equity Pool for Tenure-Track and NTT Faculty

PSU-AAUP negotiated salary equity pools (a sum of money based upon a percentage of all the salaries within an employee group) in the 2015 – 2019 contract. These pools are designed to begin to address issues of salary compression and inversion and to start to bring our salaries more in line with our peers and closer to market value. In September 2021, 2022, and 2023, a 0.8% pool of all Tenure Track and NTT faculty salaries will be used to address inversion, compression, and equity issues.


Task Forces

PSU-AAUP participates in several joint task forces to develop new policies and strategies to address our members’ concerns. The following task forces have been commenced or continued:

  • Student Evaluation Task Force to craft language on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for the University P&T Guidelines and examine how student surveys evaluations and course surveys should be used in faculty reviews and promotions.
  • Work / Life Balance Task Force (continued from the Family Friendly Task Force that created the Donated Sick Leave Bank) to continue policy and practice development that will provide support and career options for employees who balance family and career.
  • Parking & Transportation Task Force to examine the TriMet Universal Pass, flexible parking options, and safety of the PSU parking garages.
  • Caregiver Advisory Task Force to President to explore caregiving issues that affect AAUP bargaining unit members.


What Else Does Your Contract Do?

Minimum Salaries
All academic professional job families have a salary range, and all ranked positions have salary minimums available to view in the contract. Consult it to see where you fall in the salary range, and where the range starts for other job families or ranks. If you are unsure of your job family or rank, contact Human Resources and they can tell you.

Progressive Discipline
The AAUP contract outlines firm guidelines for how employees are disciplined. You have the right to have a union representative present in any meeting that you believe may result in disciplinary action (Weingarten Rights). To invoke this right, simply inform the person who called the meeting that you wish to postpone until you can have a union representative in the room with you. You cannot be penalized or retaliated against for exercising this right.

Progressive discipline tends to make employee treatment more fair and more transparent. It generally means that if you do something wrong, your supervisor has to tell you and give you a chance to fix it. See Article 27 of the contract for more details on what the process looks like. We recommend that you contact your Unit Representative and/or the AAUP office immediately if you are called into a disciplinary meeting, or if you believe you may be subject to a disciplinary investigation.

Check out this 12-minute video explaining your Weingarten rights:

Grievance Procedure
The grievance procedure in the contract lays out a process that gives you recourse if your rights under the contract are violated. There are timelines and deadlines for filing a formal grievance – it’s crucial to talk with your Unit Representative or a union officer as quickly as possible. Union representatives can also assist you with informal advocacy to address workplace issues and coach you on how to resolve problems yourself or along with other co-workers. A good rule of thumb is, if something feels wrong or unfair in any way contact the union office for a confidential consultation! You can call 503‐725‐4414 or email

Access to Your Personnel File
You have the right to see your personnel file and makes copies of it for your record. You can bring a representative of your choice to read your file. Your file can’t contain any anonymous submissions. If there are errors or omissions in the file, you can petition the Provost to have it changed. In addition, you can submit additional information to be placed in your file such as transcripts, documents related to your professional growth, scholarly research, or a response to a statement contained in your file.

Transparency in Evaluations
Criteria on which evaluations are made must be transparent and relevant. If you do not have access to the criteria against which you are being evaluated, ask your supervisor. If they do not provide it, contact the AAUP office.

Nondiscrimination Protections
If you feel you are being discriminated against on the basis of your age, color, disability, marital status, family status, national origin, race, religion, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, veteran status, or for being a member of or participating in union-related activities ‐ we can help. An AAUP representative can help you explore options for action.

Health and Safety Protections
You have the right to a safe and healthy workplace. If you feel that your workplace or situation puts you in harm’s way, you have the right to request a temporary relocation. If you are being harassed or bullied, you may be experiencing discrimination. There are both legal and AAUP-contract-related protections. Contact the AAUP office for help.

Flexible Scheduling for APs
Did you know you can request to have flexible scheduling if you don’t already? Many APs find that flexible scheduling makes their work more efficient and allows for a healthy work/life balance. If flexible scheduling is not currently part of your unit’s policy, you can request to discuss the possibility with your supervisor. Human Resources will also provide training for supervisors on how to enact flexible scheduling if they are unfamiliar or uncertain about the process.

FMLA Protections and Tenure Timelines
If you are a tenure‐line faculty member who wishes to take time off under the Family Medical Leave Act, you can request to stop the tenure clock by extending the probationary period for promotion and tenure.

Guaranteed Raise Upon Promotion for Instructional Faculty
Non‐Tenure‐Track instructional faculty as well as tenure‐related faculty are guaranteed an 8% raise upon promotion.

Staff Fee Rate
You are eligible to use your staff fee rate to take classes at any institution that was part of the Oregon University System (U of O, OSU, PSU, EOU, SOU and WOU). You are also allowed to transfer that staff fee rate to two immediate family members (spouse or child) per term. (The second instance can be used only for undergraduate education credit at PSU.)