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Promoting Quality Higher Education– An Investment in Oregon’s Future


Where Scott Walker Got His Utilitarian View of Higher Education — and Why It Matters

September 02, 2015 / PSU-AAUP

The Chronicle of Higher Education
September 2nd, 2015

In the spring of 1990, Scott Walker, then a senior at Marquette University, decided to leave college before finishing his degree. A job in finance had opened up at the American Red Cross in Milwaukee, and Mr. Walker, now the governor of Wisconsin and a Republican candidate for president, leapt at the opportunity. "Certainly, I wanted an education for more than a job," he has since said, "but my primary purpose was to get a job."

It’s impossible not to consider that statement when regarding the governor’s recent gambits in higher-education policy.

In January, when Governor Walker released his proposed budget for the next two years, he put the finances and mission of Wisconsin’s university system front and center. He recommended granting the system autonomy from several state regulations, but as part of the deal he proposed to cut $300 million from the University of Wisconsin budget over two years while freezing tuition. In addition, he pushed to remove protections for tenure and shared governance from state law.

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