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USC President Steps Down Over Sexual-Misconduct Scandal Involving Gynecologist

June 05, 2018 / PSU-AAUP

The Chronicle of Higher Education

By Jack Stripling

May 25, 2018

C. L. Max Nikias resigned as president of the University of Southern California on Friday, bowing to pressure from professors who said he had mishandled numerous recent cases of sexual harassment and misconduct within the university’s ranks.

The latest controversy at USC, where a former gynecologist at a student-health clinic was accused of harassment and inappropriate contact with patients, proved too much for Nikias, who has for months held onto his job in the face of scandals that seemed without end. News about George Tyndall, the gynecologist, came not long after explosive revelations about Carmen A. Puliafito, a former medical-school dean, who consorted with prostitutes and abused drugs.

Read the full article here.

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