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Update on Changes to Student Conduct Code; PSU-AAUP stops change to appeal timeline

September 11, 2012 / PSU-AAUP

Update on Changes to Student Conduct Code; PSU-AAUP stops change to appeal timeline

As previously reported we provided comments on many sections of the policy. We just learned that a faculty member's ability to appeal the outcome of the student conduct code hearing will not be impinged by a shorter appeal deadline. At PSU-AAUP's request, PSU has agreed to retract their proposal to reduce the appeal deadline for findings of the student conduct code hearing from 10 days to 5 days. The appeal timeline will remain 10 days.

This was the only piece of the revision that fell within the mandatory scope of bargaining. We did, however, comment on other sections. The new policy has not yet been released, but we look forward to seeing if any of our comments led to other changes.

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