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Update on Academic Professional Class/Comp Study

May 05, 2017 / PSU-AAUP

Here is an update from the consultant about where we are in the Class/Comp Study:

We know all of you have been very patient while we (Sibson) have been working quietly behind the scenes.  Please be assured that the study has been progressing.  If you will recall in our earlier meetings we did say that there would be a point in time, where there would be much less activity for the Steering Committee and this is that time.  Below is an outline of work completed, in progress, and next steps.

Work Completed:

Ø  Advisory committees formed in May of 2016

Ø  Advisory committees have been meeting on a bi-weekly bases since July 14, 2016

Ø  Kickoff meetings with Sibson

Ø  Stakeholder interviews

Ø  Compensation philosophy development

Ø  Peer group development

Ø  Development of draft job groupings (aka job families)

Work in Progress:

Ø  Development of job role level definitions (i.e. Director, Manager, Supervisor, etc.) to gain consistency of job titles across the university

Ø  Market pricing of benchmark jobs (representative sample of jobs across Un/Uns and AAUP, that cover large numbers of employees and can be found in similar form in the market place)

Immediate Next Steps:

Ø  Finalize benchmarking

Ø  Conduct competitive assessment (this is the market study report that talks about how competitive PSU is against the market)

Please visit this HR PSU HR Website for additional information and updates.

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