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UO trustees OK tuition increase

March 09, 2015 / PSU-AAUP

Register Guard
March 6th, 2015

Freshman Mickey Swartz is a top-of-the-line student, just the kind the University of Oregon covets and courts.

The UO academic recruit from West Virginia had a top high school GPA and sky-high test scores, and he burned to be a volcanologist — one of the UO’s top specialities.Swartz got scholarship offers from the University of ­Washington and the University of Hawaii, but the UO won him over with a four-year, $36,000 Summit Scholarship, Swartz told the UO Board of Trustees on Thursday at the board’s most animated meeting to date.

“Then I realized — once I was here — that we were going to have a $1,000 out-of-state ­increase in tuition,” Swartz said. “I realized I might not be able to (stay) here.”

But after hearing Swartz and other plaintive stories from ­students, the UO board adopted a tuition increase for the next school year on an 11-2 vote.

Tuition for in-state students will go up by $315 (3.8 percent) and $1,090 (3.7 percent) for out-of-state students.

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