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UO leaks investigation grows to 30,000 documents, could be released soon

February 24, 2015 / PSU-AAUP

February 23rd, 2015

The University of Oregon may release results of an investigation as soon as this week into the release of confidential information from the school's archives.

From all indications, two archivists currently suspended from their jobs could face further discipline.

In December, the University Archives gave a professor who requested presidential records a zip drive containing 22,000 pages -- since determined to have been 30,000 documents -- that according to university officials included confidential faculty, student and staff records.

Interim UO President Scott Coltrane termed the release "unlawful" in a Jan. 20 email to colleagues, referring to federal privacy laws. He wrote that two staff members had been placed on administrative leave as officials sought to retrieve the records from an unnamed faculty member.

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