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UO breaks records, raising $827 million toward its $2 billion goal

August 03, 2015 / PSU-AAUP

August 3rd, 2015

Donors gave more than $214 million to the University of Oregon's $2 billion capital campaign during the fiscal year ended June 30. Fundraisers expect an extra boost as new UO President Michael Schill spearheads the campaign, which has raised $827 million toward its goal.

Gifts and pledges raised in fiscal 2015 exceeded the previous year's total by 86 percent, becoming the second highest annual amount in the school's history.

Schill took office July 1, arriving with a fundraising track record from his law-dean posts at the University of Chicago and other schools. He has already made two fundraising trips to Portland and one to Los Angeles. Next, Schill plans  to travel across Oregon meeting alumni.

"He comes with the very same vision for the university that we've been talking about," said Michael Andreasen, vice president for university advancement. "It's about the quality of our faculty. It's really about the affordability for our students, particularly our Oregon students."

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