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UC-Davis Chancellor Is Placed on Leave

April 29, 2016 / PSU-AAUP

The Chronicle of Higher Education
April 27, 2016
By Fernanda Zamudio-Suaréz

The chancellor of the University of California at Davis, Linda P.B. Katehi, was placed on administrative leave on Wednesday night, pending an investigation of information that “raises serious questions” about whether she may have violated university policies, according to a statement from the office of the president of the University of California system.

The system’s president, Janet Napolitano, said in the statement that she would appoint an independent, outside investigator to compile a report before the start of the next academic year and that the provost at Davis, Ralph J. Hexter, would fill the chancellor’s post on an acting basis. “I am deeply disappointed to take this action,” Ms. Napolitano said.

The concerns regarding Ms. Katehi, the statement said, include “questions about the campus’s employment and compensation of some of the chancellor’s immediate family members, the veracity of the chancellor’s accounts of her involvement in contracts related to managing both the campus’s and her personal reputation on social media, and the potential improper use of student fees.”

See the full article.

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