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The Right to a Recommendation?

September 21, 2018 / PSU-AAUP

Inside Higher Ed

By Elizabeth Redden

September 19, 2018

Does a professor have a right to refuse to write a recommendation for a student due to his own political convictions?

A professor at the University of Michigan declined to write a recommendation for a student to study abroad upon realizing the student’s chosen program was in Israel. In an email to the student, which was posted as a screenshot (at left) on Facebook by the pro-Israel group Club Z and was first reported by Israeli media, the professor cites support for the boycott of Israeli academic institutions as the reason why he was rescinding an offer to write a recommendation letter. At the same time he indicated he would be happy to write other letters for the student, who is identified only as “Abigail.”

Read the full article here.

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