Important upcoming events:
Contract Ratification Town Halls:
- Monday March 31st 12-1pm Zoom (No longer an in-person event)
- Thursday April 3rd 12-1pm Zoom
- Link in members' inbox
Contract Ratification Vote Opens: TBD
After nine months of bargaining, and tireless work by PSU-AAUP members, unit reps, organizing committee, strike committee and bargaining team, we have reached a tentative agreement on a new collective bargaining agreement. We were able to achieve these terms because our members mobilized and produced powerful results. We had rallies that challenged the Board of Trustees and the administration to give us a fair deal. We engaged with our fellow members to get a supermajority to sign strike pledge cards. We prepared to go out on strike if we didn’t get a contract that made a difference.
Our bargaining team and executive council believe that this contract will make a difference, and we recommend all members vote YES to ratify. Be on the lookout for a forthcoming email that will include your personalized link to vote on ratification.
The highlights of the agreement include:
- Everyone receives a COLA in the first year of the contract, of 5% on the first $75,000 of their pay.
- The next $25,000 ($75,000 to $100,000) at 1.5% and the next $50,000 ($100, 000 to $150,000) at 0.5 %. This equates to an across-the-board COLA increase of 4.06%, at a time when the Consumer Price Index (CPI) has been below 2.6%.
- A guaranteed COLA of 3% in year 2 of the contract.
- A COLA in years 3 and 4 equal to the CPI, with a minimum of 1.75% and a maximum of 3.5%.
- A first-ever pay differential of 5% for APs who are required on their job to use a language other than English.
- An increase to AP advancement compensation, with $1,600 every three years.
- Layoff notice requirements for tenure track faculty (TT), non-tenure track faculty (NTTF), and academic professionals (APs) who are laid off under Article 22 Retrenchment, when the layoffs are due to a reduction or elimination of a department.
- Improved layoff notice and shared governance requirements for NTTF.
- $150,000 annually for Research Bridge Funding
- $150,000 annually for Conference Funding
While we are disappointed that PSU’s administration has not chosen to reverse the unnecessary and unstrategic cuts to 17 faculty positions, our decision to tentatively agree to this contract comes with the support of the faculty whose positions have been cut. We are continuing to work with these affected faculty members through our grievance process to advocate for a resolution that meets their needs.
We are preparing a website with detailed information about the tentative agreement, and information about that and a ratification vote by the full membership will be sent out once that is complete. A simple majority 50%+1 yes vote and the tentative agreement becomes our new contract until 2028.
Watch for more information in the coming weeks. |