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Tentative Agreement on New Ranks August 6th, 2014

August 07, 2014 / PSU-AAUP

Tentative Agreement on New Ranks
Leanne Serbulo, VP Collective Bargaining

On behalf of the AAUP Collective Bargaining Team, I’m pleased to announce that we reached agreement with PSU administration over salaries for the new Non-Tenure Track Faculty ranks as well as the procedures for re-ranking procedures.

The new rank minimums for this year (those which are highlighted)

The re-ranking process will proceed as follows:

  •     Automatic re-ranking will begin immediately.  All Senior Instructors/Research Assistants and Associates will be re-ranked into the Senior Instructor/Research Assistant/Associate I rank.
  •     If a faculty member believes s/he meets the criteria for a new rank based upon his/her department’s new Promotion and Tenure guidelines (such as Senior II or the Clinical or Professor of Practice ranks), s/he can make a request to the department chair for re-ranking.
  •     The chair in consultation with at least 2 members of the department’s P&T committee will consider the re-ranking request and send their decision to the dean for approval.
  •     If a unit has not re-written their P&T guidelines, criteria for the new ranks in the University’s P&T Guidelines (approved April 7, 2014) will apply.
  •     If a faculty member disagrees with the re-ranking decision, s/he can request a reconsideration of that decision under the process outlined in the University’s P&T Guidelines (approved April 7, 2014).
  •     No reduction in salary or FTE (for non-grant-funded faculty) will occur as a result of re-ranking.
  •     Re-ranking is not considered a promotion under Article 30 Section 6A, so re-ranked faculty will receive the new minimum salary for his/her rank not the 8% promotional bump,
  •     The re-ranking process should be completed by October 31, 2014.  New salary minima will be effective on the first of the month following the faculty member’s re-ranking decision.

As soon as contract language is finalized and it is approved by the Executive Council, we will send out a copy of the agreement for a ratification vote.  Thank you to all of our members who provided input, raised important issues, and volunteered their time to make this interim bargaining session a success!


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