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Strike Notice Delivered to Pres Wiewel

April 03, 2014 / PSU-AAUP

Strike Notice Delivered to Pres Wiewel

This message - sent at 2 am - appears to have been diverted into people's Spam folders or blocked altogether.  Re-sent moments ago to personal e-mails, if we have them. If you have not given us your personal email address, please send one to Tita ASAP!

Late this afternoon, the PSU-AAUP attorneys sent notice to the Oregon Employment Relations Board and PSU Admin that we are ready to strike, starting Weds, April 16th at 6 am. 

We have talked, we have rallied, we have picketed, we have passed resolutions.

With PSU students by our side, we have spent hundreds of hours since April in negotiations in every possible form: whole teams, small groups, one-on-ones, with and without a state-appointed mediator.

With data, history and stories we have shown that

The PSU Administration is Taking our University in the Wrong Direction
  Our students foot the bills, and deserve high quality education.
Faculty & AP Rights are NOT for Sale
  We will not yield contract protections for Faculty Senate created P & T language.
We Refuse to Fall for Divide & Conquer Strategies
  We will go forward together - this is a package deal.

We are Portland's University, dedicated to providing a high quality academic environment for our students.

We're not walking away from the table.  Calling for a strike is the clearest public statement that we can make to the Administration that the issues in this contract matter and are worth fighting for. We'll be in Mediation all day on Friday, April 4th, working to settle a contract that allows us to be proud of the job we do here together.

What You Can Do to Get Us All a Fair Contract:

Attend the Public Hearing on the Fight for PSU's Future
  Thursday, April 3rd, 7 - 9 pm, PSU's Native Center
Urge Faculty Senators to Support the Resolution calling for Contract Protections of P & T Guidelines & Unwritten Work Policies
  To be Voted on Monday, April 7th, 3 - 5 pm, CH 53
  Senator List Here
Sign Up for Workshops, Training & Phone Banking

We Will Stand Up Together for Our Students, Our University and Our Professions

In the days ahead we will do our best to send regular updates and keep everyone fully informed about the strike.  Visit both and for up to the minute updates on negotiations and strike preparations.  Please be sure to communicate your availability for picket shifts and phone banking ASAP to your unit organizer and/or the PSU-AAUP office: 725-4414.

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