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Session 28: Ironing Out AP Issues

February 05, 2016 / PSU-AAUP

By Leanne Serbulo, VP for Collective Bargaining

We had a number of outstanding AP issues (workload, scheduling, weather closures and terms of employment) left to discuss, but we had already generated possible solutions to many of these issues in previous sessions.  We started the day off by looking at the options that were currently on the table.  After we went over these options, we went into a caucus to consider them. 

During caucus, administration prepared a package option that our facilitator presented to us.  We spent the remainder of the session working off this option, but we remained in separate caucuses.  Towards the end of the session, we met back together at the table, even though both sides had lost a few members to meetings, class and other job duties. 

Our discussion at the table was very productive.  We spoke frankly to each other about the interests and rationales behind the proposal and about our reluctance to accept this proposal.  This conversation should help guide us as each team spends the next week refining our options and hopefully moving towards a mutually, agreeable solution. 

Both of our teams are committed to trying to finish the contract by the end of February.  We set a goal to complete bargaining around AP issues before noon during next week’s session.  We will then address professional development, sabbatical and move into the economics phase of bargaining.  We meet again next week on Friday, February 12th from 9-4 in Urban 710.  As always, we welcome and encourage our members to come and observe.

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