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Session 15: On Summer Session Cuts

October 28, 2015 / PSU-AAUP

In last Friday’s bargaining session, both sides approved the new contract language for Article 18, which improves job security for non-tenure track instructional faculty by creating a system of continuous appointments. AAUP and the administration will release joint communication with full details about this agreement later this week. If you have questions about how this new system will affect you, please contact Leanne ( or
In our last meeting, we began discussing Summer Session. We had come up with a framing question to guide our discussion: How do we compensate faculty during summer session in a way that is equitable, predictable and sustainable while considering student needs? This week, we looked at more data, which showed an overall decline in the number of sections and student credit hours produced during Summer Session as well as an increase in students per section. While it is difficult to draw conclusions from this macro-level look at summer term, the administration’s data seems to support what PSU-AAUP found in our report on Summer Session.
Each team then listed their interests, and we began brainstorming possible options to address the Summer Session issues. There seemed to be some general agreement that a campus-wide conversation about the mission of Summer Session needs to happen. Both sides are also in agreement that there needs to be contract language protecting summer pay rates. However, the administration has expressed concerns that restoring historic rates could harm some departments that have been operating at cut-rate pay levels.
Before the next session, each side will draft and share a proposed, comprehensive solution. If you experienced pay cuts, course cancellations or a reduced summer load anytime over the past couple of years, please come to our next bargaining session on Friday, October 30th at 10:00 AM in Smith 296. Bring a sign that shares your thoughts about Summer Session!

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