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School of Public Health grader support policy bargaining update

March 29, 2018 / PSU-AAUP

2019 03Mar05

We last reported on February 23rd that we were working toward finding an alternative measure for an equitable and transparent determination of grader support needs in the School of Public Health.

Last week José Padín and Phil Lesch, PSU-AAUP representatives, met with Jill Rissi and Julia Getchell, representing School of Public Health Administration to discuss our counter proposal. Our counter proposal asserts that the measure of need will be based on a per-student basis.

Administration expressed concerns over our proposal, and would like review historic grader support to see if our proposal is in line with expected continued budgets. We discussed alternative grading expectations of faculty- whether instead of faculty covering 25% of the grading, or if there was a quantitative measure of time that faculty should be expected to spend grading before a grader would be assigned.

Administration will prepare a counter proposal to ours, and we will meet again to discuss the issue on April 9, 2018.

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