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SBA Class Size recommendations of SBA Accreditation Task Force will not be implemented

October 02, 2017 / PSU-AAUP

 On June 9, 2017 we reported  that at the June 2017 SBA Faculty meeting, the SBA Faculty Class Size Task Force to recommended class size changes based upon a new policy. PSU-AAUP has submitted a demand to bargaining over the implementation of those proposed changes. Our first request was a meeting with the task force to understand the changes they sought.

On September 27, 2017 Administration advised us  that SBA Dean Cliff Allen informed the SBA Accreditation Task Force that "at this time we are not moving forward with modeling larger class sizes with workload as the task force suggested."

So time will tell. SBA faculty members need to be on watch for policies or procedures increasing increase class sizes. If something shows up they should let Phil Lesch know immediately.

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