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Promoting Quality Higher Education– An Investment in Oregon’s Future


Save the Dates- Lobby Days

February 02, 2017 / PSU-AAUP

Save the Dates!

Important Lobby Dates have been calendared. If enough people are interested we can try to arrange people to ride together.

February 14, 2017- Higher Education Lobby Day

This is the day for all higher education faculty to join student lobbyists from the Oregon Student Association (OSA) in requesting then funding we need for this legislative session. TO support the lobbying effort, the leaders of all higher education stakeholders, including Jose Padin as President of AAUP-Oregon, sent a letter notifying of the need to increase funding to maintain the current service level. A big turnout from all seven univerisities is desired. For questions contact Jose Padin.

February 20, 2017 is A Better Oregon/Revenue Lobby Day

This is the day for all Oregon's keenly interested in encouraging the legislature to find ways to increase revenue.

April 6, 2017 Portland State University Day

Hosted by PSU Governmental Relations, this is the day for members of the Portland State Community to lobby the legislature for PSU specific needs. This will be arranged by Governmental Relations, and they will be sending out emails about it.

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