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Request for Nominations for the 2019 Executive Council

January 17, 2019 / PSU-AAUP

From: Nominations and Elections Committee

Please serve with us on the PSU-AAUP Executive Council! 

We depend on the efforts of volunteers to:

  • support the bargaining team with contract action,
  • support the efforts of classified staff, part-time faculty and students in advocating for themselves & high quality, affordable higher education,
  • voice the concerns of PSU faculty - including non-tenure track faculty and academic professionals, as well as tenure-track faculty – to members of the PSU Administration, the Oregon Legislature, the press and the community, and
  • have a good time doing it!

We’ll be electing people to serve from May 1, 2019 to April 30, 2021 as:

  • Vice President for Academic Freedom and Grievances 
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Councilor At Large (3 positions)

The Executive Council meets every Thursday during the term, from noon to 1:30 during the academic year. There is a planning retreat in the evening in the beginning of June, and usually at least one other retreat, either on the weekend or in the evening. 
You can nominate yourself, or speak to a friend that you want to nominate and nominate them.  It’s important to have a good mix of APs, fixed-term faculty, research faculty and tenure-related faculty.
We expect the vote to begin on or about March 1st.  Please send your nominations to the nominating committee by February 5.

The nomination should include a candidate statement (submitted either by the candidate or a supporting member) of no more than 150 words. Also be sure to list all previous AAUP service for the ballot header. The ballot will be constructed pursuant to Association Policy 09- Ballot Protocols. 

To submit a nomination, send an email to Nominating Committee members Mark Leymon, Andres Guzman, and Holly Hein via email. You must be a regular member of the PSU-AAUP to nominate someone or be nominated. We will confirm everyone’s membership status and that each nominee is willing to participate.

Should you have any questions about the Association or the open positions, you can contact any of the current executive council members, or Executive Director Phil Lesch
We look forward to hearing from you!
Mark Leymon, Andres Guzman, and Holly Hein
PSU-AAUP Nominating Committee
More Detailed Descriptions of Executive Council Positions

Office of Vice President for Academic Freedom and Grievances (release time position)
The Vice President for Academic Freedom and Grievances is one of the six officer positions on the Executive Council. This VP works closely with the Association Executive Director and is normally provided 1/3 release time to facilitate the performance of grievance officer duties for the Association. The Vice president for Academic Freedom and Grievances acts as the Chief dispute resolution officer for the Association; they meet with members about work issues, and represent members in grievance meetings and participates in other kinds of meetings with management.

The Secretary is one of the six officer positions on the Executive Council and takes minutes at meetings. It is not normally a release time position. 
The Treasurer is one of the six officer positions on the Executive Council and is responsible for the financial health of the Association. It is not normally a release time position and requires slightly more time than the attendance at Executive Council meetings: The Treasurer reviews the financial reports monthly, confers with the Executive Director on a regular basis by phone or an occasional meeting on financial matters, and participates on the Budget Committee.

Councilors At Large (3 positions open)
Councilors At Large are not officers of the Association and these are not normally release time positions. Their participation is generally limited to attending meetings, reading and responding to emails, and participating in Executive Council decisions at Executive Council meetings and via email. Most councilor's At Large, however, assume others duties on behalf of the executive council such has leading caucus meetings, chairing the legislative or communications committees, or represents PSU-AAUP in forums off campus. 

New councilors will be expected to attend a 2-hour new councilor orientation with the Executive Director and continuing executive councilors in April 2019. The Executive Council normally meets for a full day planning retreat at the end of spring term, the beginning of fall term, or both. 

All Executive Council positions are invited to participate in all organizing and contract action.

Is this the year you will step forward to run for the Executive Council? We hope to hear from you!

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