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Promoting Quality Higher Education– An Investment in Oregon’s Future


RALLY TOMORROW against proposed tuition increase

March 11, 2015 / PSU-AAUP

We have an opportunity to stand with students, against yet another tuition hike, which would go into effect Fall 2015. The Board of Trustees will vote on the proposed increase tomorrow (Thursday March 12).

In solidarity with students, we encourage you to do one or more of the following:

- No consequence for students who miss class to attend the rally or Board of Trustees meeting. If you teach a class that overlaps with the events (details below), please consider adopting a "no consequence" stance and letting students know.

- Rally against the tuition hike (tomorrow, Thursday March 12 at noon, outside Millar Library). The rally will be led by PSU Student Union: the same group that organized a massive student walkout in support of our contract negotiations last year. A PSU-AAUP representative will speak.

- Attend the Board meeting (tomorrow, Thursday March 12 from 1-5pm, Millar library 3rd floor). We'll have signs for AAUP members to hold. If you wish, you can also follow this link to sign up for public comment (note that the speaker list may fill up quickly).

- Join students in making signs (today, Wednesday March 11 at 5pm, Greenspace in the basement of SMSU).

Background / more details:
The administration's proposal to raise tuition has cropped up quickly and has not been well-publicized. Last month, on the same day that the administration publicly supported a Rally to Restore Higher Education in Salem, administrators also proposed the tuition hike to the Board's Finance and Administration Committee. The proposed increases are as follows: 4.8% for resident undergraduates, 3.2% for resident graduates, 3.1% for non-resident undergraduates, and 3.2% non-resident graduates. The Finance and Administration Committee is recommending this proposal to the Board for full approval.

It's important to make clear to the campus and community that de-funding of public higher education adversely impacts both students and academic workers.
Thanks for considering ways to support our allies' struggles.

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