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Rachel Dolezal Case Leaves a Campus Bewildered and Some Scholars Disgusted

June 17, 2015 / PSU-AAUP

The Chronicle of Higher Education
June 17th, 2015

As of last Friday, Rachel A. Dolezal was no longer an employee of Eastern Washington University. But the former adjunct instructor of Africana education, who has become the focus of a fierce debate about race and identity, may have a higher profile on campus than ever before.

Ms. Dolezal, a 37-year-old civil-rights advocate, stepped down on Monday as president of the Spokane, Wash., chapter of the NAACP, less than a week after her parents asserted that she was white. For years, she has identified as black. Despite the disclosure from her parents — and the release of childhood photographs and a reverse-discrimination lawsuit she had filed against Howard University, her alma mater — Ms. Dolezal said on Monday that she continues to do so.

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