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PSU-AAUP supports revision of Department Bylaws

February 02, 2017 / PSU-AAUP

PSU-AAUP Supports OAA request of all departments to revise their Bylaws

After ratification of the 2016-19 Collective Bargaining Agreement, PSU-AAUP and OAA began work on a comprehensive list of department bylaw changes that were needed to comport with the new agreement. This list included language that was statutorily required around the negotiability of mandatory subjects of bargaining that were not already in the contract in someway. After 4 months of revisions we finished that work in December, and the final revision requirement list was send out to departments just before the holidays to department chairs and unit leaders.

The revision of the bylaws was then, mostly, handed off to faculty members. Many of these faculty members then called PSU-AAUP to ask if the changes were really necessary.

The short answer is yes, they are necessary.

The language that we request be added will enable OAA and PSU-AAUP to those issues that show up in departments that are within the scope of bargaining. We appreciate that this adds workload to faculty at a busy time of year; we've attempted to make it as easy as possible by giving you specific language to add in its entirety. 

If you have any questions feel free to reach out to Phil Lesch

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