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PSU-AAUP Submits Demand to Bargain (again) over SBA Class Size

June 09, 2017 / PSU-AAUP

In Fall 2016, the SBA Dean promulgated a "Course Cap Policy" that would lead to significantly larger class sizes. PSU-AAUP issued a demand bargain, met with faculty members five times, surveyed the SBA Faculty, and then made a proposal that was reflective of how the faculty wanted to handle class size. We presented that proposal on January 10. On February 17 we reported that the proposal had been withdraw.

Since that time the SBA created a Class Size Task Force. PSU-AAUP met with the task force at their first meeting, and then had no further interaction with them. We learned yesterday that they have proposed class size changes that have an impact on faculty workload, as would be expected. Here is the PDF of the powerpoint they showed at a faculty meeting. It is not at all clear to PSU-AAUP what is to be implemented, or how faculty workload will be impacted. Still, faculty workload is a mandatory subject of bargaining. On June 9 we submitted a Demand to Bargain over the implementation of those proposed changes. 

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