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PSU-AAUP Constitution Change

October 22, 2020 / PSU-AAUP

At its October 22 open session meeting, the Executive Council voted to recommend to the membership that the PSU-AAUP Constitution be modified to create two (2) new officer positions and subtract one (1) councilor at large position. The new officer positions are:

  • Vice President for Communications and Public Relations (VP-COM)
  • Vice President for Legislative and Political Action (VP-LEG)

The Executive Council seeks this change to ensure that these portfolio areas are securely tethered to the Executive Council as the decision-making body of the Association. The constitution change also establishes the broad responsibilities for each position. These Vice Presidents will begin in the odd number years.

The Proposed Constitution is here. The Underlined represents the proposed additions, and the strikeouts represents the proposed removals.

Fifteen (15) day Response Period 
Article IX of the Constitution requires that the proposed text be circulated to the membership in advance, and the membership shall have fifteen (15) days to review the text. During this 15 day period, members can submit comments, concerns, and propose revisions to the proposed language for consideration by the Executive Council.

Please send those comments to The fifteen day period opens today, Friday, October 23, 2020. The 15 day response period concludes at 5pm on Saturday November 7.

Comments, concerns, and revisions will be brought to the Executive Council meeting on or about Thursday November 12, 2020. The Executive Council will review the responses and make a final decision on the proposed constitution changes as soon as possible. 

Final Notice of the Proposed Changes
Once the Executive Council determines the final constitution changes, a final notice will be sent to the membership announcing that the vote on the constitution changes will occur after 15 days from that date of notice. 

If no responses are received during the response period, then the final notice of the proposed changes will be sent announcing the vote as soon as possible after Saturday November 7. The vote will open no sooner than 30 days after the commencement of the 15 day response period, or Sunday November 22, 2020. 

Vote via
The vote will be conducted by The ballot will be open for fifteen days. Two thirds of the members voting must approve the changes for the vote to pass. 

Should the membership approve the constitution change, the Executive Council will adopt a resolution to provide for a transition into the new structure along with changes to the PSU-AAUP Bylaws.

Should you have any questions let me know.

Phil Lesch
Executive Director

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