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President’s Weekly Message: What if PSU Staff Strike on Monday, Sept. 30th?- September 25, 2013

September 25, 2013 / PSU-AAUP

Hi Everybody!

As you've probably heard, PSU clerical, administrative and facilities staff members are poised to strike on Monday, if they decide they have no other choice at the conclusion of mediation on Weds. Sept. 25th.

SEIU represents the lowest paid workers in the Oregon University System, but OUS is saying that it can't afford the raises that would

  •      keep their wages up with inflation,
  •      match what other state workers have bargained for the coming biennium,
  •      prevent their members from earning so little that their families are eligible for Food Stamps, and
  •      recognize the sacrifices that they've made to help OUS weather the financial crisis and recession.

As they're pointing out, President Wiewel earns in 3 weeks what their lowest paid members earn in a year.  Perhaps it's OUS' priorities that we can't afford?  How can we be an "anchor institution" in our community, if we don't pay living wages?

As the PSU Administration will be reminding us, it's against the law for PSU faculty to refuse to cross an SEIU picket line.  We need to continue to do our jobs, or risk termination.

However, there's a lot that we can do to support our colleagues, whose efforts are so critical to the success of our students. 
We can 

  •      wear SEIU buttons,
  •      picket with PSU staff,
  •      hold our classes in the park blocks or other locations,
  •      call the Chancellor's office and urge a fair settlement (503-725-5700),
  •      help staff a joint Student/Faculty Information Table between SMSU and Cramer Hall -- come by and join us! or email Marissa for a shift!
  •      teach about labor issues and talk to our students about the strike, as relevant to our course material
  •      and more!

PSU-AAUP's Executive Director Phil Lesch has been in close contact with our attorney, and provides a bit more detail below.


Mary King, President

Message from Phil Lesch, Executive Director, PSU-AAUP

We are prohibited by law from sympathy striking so we cannot withhold services. AAUP does not, however, expect an AAUP bargaining unit member to do the work of a striking SEIU worker, nor do we expect AAUP bargaining unit members to assist managers in finding replacement workers, contracting SEIU work out, or finding creative ways to get the work done without SEIU employees. AAUP bargaining unit members should not take any role for management as a strike coordinator- these are management’s offensive team who will escort non SEIU employees across SEIU picket lines.

Members need to understand that the students are legally allowed to honor the strike and ASPSU has called for a general student strike. AAUP bargaining unit members who encounter students who are honoring the strike by not attending class, withholding work, or who do not show up for appointments should be held harmless. AAUP encourages bargaining unit members, when possible, to incorporate labor education into their class and bring students to the picket line if classes are held.

AAUP bargaining unit members who are afraid or have reservations about crossing the picket line can arrange to hold classes off campus consistent with departmental procedures for off campus events. AAUP bargaining unit members who have a telecommuting agreement can avoid the picket line by arranging with their supervisor to work at home.

AAUP bargaining unit members can staff an AAUP information table at any location to the same extent that they can participate in other union meetings on campus during the work day. AAUP encourages AAUP members, when possible, to help staff  the AAUP information table between SMSU and CH to help the campus community learn about the strike and what is happening in AAUP bargaining. AAUP bargaining unit members can walk the picket line during their non work hours.

Should you have any questions about a particular activity please ask.

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