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President’s Weekly Message : We’re PSU!

April 29, 2013 / PSU-AAUP

Let's all reply to Vice Provost Carol Mack's message to us about last week's bargaining session!

If you can, this week, please send the message below to Carol Mack <>.

And come, if you can, to plan with the PSU-AAUP Bargaining Support Team on

Weds., May 15th, Noon to 1:30 in SMSU 296
on Thurs., May 16th, 4 to 5:30 in Rogue Hall
(inside - so we can hear!).


Mary King, President, PSU-AAUP
on behalf of the PSU-AAUP Bargaining Support Team

p.s.  In bargaining with the Oregon University System, SEIU - which represents our administrative and facilities staff - is being asked to pick up 10% of their health care premium, DOUBLE what we currently pay, though the health care plan is not changing.  Please join us at SW 4th & Market on Thurs., May 16th at Noon for a rally to support their negotiating team while bargaining.  Wear your AAUP t-shirt, red or purple for SEIU!


Subject:  We're PSU!!

Dear Vice Provost Mack,

I appreciate your note to let me know what the PSU Administration is thinking as you approach bargaining this spring.

But you should know that I consider myself to be PSU, along with the rest of the faculty and academic professionals represented by the PSU-AAUP.  We teach the classes, conduct the research, advise & counsel our students, serve as resources in the library, bring in the grants, serve on committees, work with our community partners and inspire the donations.  We do the best job we possibly can every day to try to make PSU what it should be.

Sincerely yours,

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