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President’s Weekly Message:  PSU Staff Have a Tentative Contract - No Strike on Monday!- 9/26/13

September 26, 2013 / PSU-AAUP

Hello All!

Good news!  NO PSU Staff Strike will be Needed!

At 2:30 this morning SEIU, representing PSU staff, and the Oregon University System reached an agreement on a contract, so no strike is planned for Monday!

Good progress was made to keep wages up with inflation and other state workers, and maintain the step system.

More details here:

So, you can hold your classes, and engage in all other PSU activities, on Monday the 30th without worrying that you will be letting down the PSU staff by doing so.

The SEIU Bargaining Team are really appreciative of PSU faculty and student support, and pass along their thanks and this message:  "Some of you are still in the throes of your faculty bargains and we want to say "call on us to stand with you."

We'll be bargaining ourselves on Friday, Oct. 4th, from Noon to 3, on the 6th Floor of the Market Center Building - Please join us from 12:15 to 12:45!

Key issues this contract are fighting career-killing conditions at PSU for all faculty, including academic professionals; establishing benchmarks of academic quality to protect our students; and retaining our ability to protect Faculty Senate procedures and decisions through the contract.

  • Longer Contracts for Fixed-Term Faculty
  • Career Progression for Academic Professionals
  • Equitable Wages Comparable to our Peers
  • Adequate Supports to do the Job Right
  • Standards of Academic Quality to Protect Our Students

More Details on our Bargaining Next Week - Today is the day to Celebrate PSU Staff!


Mary King,
President, PSU-AAUP

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