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President’s Weekly Message: PSU-AAUP Membership Drive & SEIU Rally,

August 12, 2013 / PSU-AAUP

Hi Everyone!

If you're on campus and engaged, you can get a jump start on PSU-AAUP's Fall Membership Drive!

We aim for 100 new members by Halloween, and we need your help!


A lot of people who aren't members of PSU-AAUP think that they are, because they see that fair share fees are deducted from their checks.  Everyone has to pay the same amount, either as membership dues or as fair share fees, because the union has to represent everyone at the bargaining table, as well as if they have a grievance or are in a disciplinary situation.

We already have a high proportion of members, but increasing it is worthwhile:  the higher proportion of people in the bargaining unit who are members, the greater is our strength at the bargaining table and in Salem!   Please check with your friends and colleagues to make sure they've filled out the PSU-AAUP membership form. Here are some talking points to help you with these conversations.

There's a Prize for the Member who Signs up the Most New Members:  Dinner for Two at Wildwood!

Plus, PSU-AAUP will give you a Ten Dollar Gift Card for each new Member you sign up, good at either Fred Meyers, Powells or a nearby, independent coffee shop.  Just put your name in the upper, right-hand corner of the membership form, before you send it in to Tita. In addition, we'll put each new member's name into a raffle, so that a new member will also win Dinner for Two at The Farm!

PSU Classified Staff Need Our Support!

Please join PSU classified staff as they Rally to Demand a Fair Contract!  Weds, August 14th, Noon in the Park Blocks near SMSU.

SEIU 503 represents our co-workers in administrative and facilities positions and is in a tough fight with OUS over their contract for the next biennium.  They will be bargaining at PSU on Weds., August 14th & 15th.
Please come out to support them, in your red shirts and buttons, if you have them.
OUS is calling for:

I'll be out of town for this rally, but I know that other PSU-AAUP members will be there;  please join them if you can!  Our co-workers need our support, and we'll soon be told that "it's only fair" that we share whatever sacrifices OUS forces them to make.


Mary King, President

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