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President’s Weekly Message: Maude Hines to be a Voting Faculty Rep on New PSU Board!

August 20, 2013 / PSU-AAUP

President’s Weekly Message: Maude Hines to be a Voting Faculty Rep on New PSU Board!

Hello All!

Good News!!!!  The Governor has appointed our own Maude Hines - supported by both the PSU-AAUP and the PSU Faculty Senate - to a voting position representing faculty on the new Board of Trustees for PSU. Thanks for sending messages to the Governor and to President Wiewel in support of the vote for the faculty rep!  With luck, this appointment with the vote will set an influential precedent, increasing the likelihood that future faculty appointees will also have a vote.

In other good news, although we didn't get a PSU faculty member on the Higher Education Coordinating Commission (HECC), the Governor has appointed PSU's own Rob Fullmer, CLAS IT specialist and SEIU activist.  For those of you who don't know him, Rob is articulate, informed and works closely with faculty and students in the four-union PSU campus coalition, Together 4 PSU, bringing together PSU-AAUP, PSUFA (adjuncts), ASPSU (students) and SEIU (staff).

The full list of appointments can be found here:

In other news, SEIU will be holding an Organizing Conversations Training tomorrow from noon to 1pm in the SEIU office (Room 1, SMSU).  PSU-AAUP members are invited to attend, and may find it really helpful as we rev up our Fall Membership Drive and build our Bargaining Support Team network.  Please come if you are interested! For more info, see the flyer.

Enjoy the summer while you can!


Mary King,
President, PSU-AAUP

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