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President’s Weekly Message:  Bargaining & News - June 3, 2013

June 03, 2013 / PSU-AAUP

Happy June!

Please come, if you can, to observe bargaining, Tuesday, June 4th, from 12 to 3 in SMSU 296-298.  You can stay for whatever part of that time works for you.  We plan to put forward PSU-AAUP's proposals for Academic Professionals and for Fixed Term Faculty, and expect to hear what the Administration is proposing with respect to Library Faculty Development Days, Personnel Files and Outside Employment.  For APs, we want pay raises connected to satisfactory annual evaluations, the ability to work at home during University Closures and the ability to cash out accumulated vacation days.  Fixed Term Faculty should have 3 year rolling contracts, starting in their 4th year, as they do at Southern Oregon University.

The Executive Council of AAUP-Oregon met Saturday, June 1st at OSU.  Led by AAUP-Oregon President Sy Adler (PSU) and Vice President for Membership and Organizing Jacqueline Arante (PSU), AAUP-Oregon is preparing a proposal for national AAUP to explore the potential for organizing at other Oregon campuses, building on the progress of the faculty at the University of Oregon, who last year organized as a union and are currently bargaining their first contract.  AAUP-Oregon is coordinating with UO faculty in pushing for strong faculty - as well as student and staff - representation on any new institutional board for PSU or UO.

PSU-AAUP will join an SEIU delegation to President Wiewel on Thursday, June 6th to advocate against contracting out PSU janitorial work to a company with a record of extremely poor employee practices.

PSU-AAUP has just renewed its membership in Pride at Work, an organization dedicated to building mutual support between the organized Labor Movement and the LGBT Community for social and economic justice.
Read more here: and

Mary King,
President, PSU-AAUP

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