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President’s Weekly Message: Bargaining & News - June 24, 2013

June 24, 2013 / PSU-AAUP

Hi All!

If it matters to PSU faculty, it may be in the Oregonian!  Despite the Oregonian's overwhelming mission to blame PERS for everything under the sun, reporter Betsy Hammond has publicized PSU's sometimes questionable priorities:

Saturday's Oregonian headline trumpeted the news that PSU abruptly canceled 50 summer classes leaving students in the lurch and yanking the rug out from under faculty members.  Good thing we saved money on classes, rather than stop subsidizing athletics with $3 million a year in tuition dollars or slim down our burgeoning administrative team. Check out the article here.

Also on Saturday, Betsy Hammond reported that the only members of the Higher Ed Board to vote against another tuition increase this year were the students and WOU faculty member Emily Plec - the only people on the board who really see the impact of continual tuition increases that far outstrip inflation. Check out the article here.

And did you know that Pres. Wiewel makes more than the presidents of all but one of our comparators, though PSU faculty consistently rank at the bottom of our comparator list? Check out the article here.

Come on out to Bargaining, this Tuesday, June 25th, from Noon to 3, in Market Center Building Room 650.  We expect to hear the Administration's proposals for pay, retirement, health care and professional development, as well as their reaction to our interest in maintaining much of the "permissive language" in the contract that sets standards for AP evaluations, among other things.  You can stay for any part of the session that works for you.  It's a good chance to wear your red AAUP t-shirt!

The Bargaining Support Team is meeting on Thursday, June 27th, from Noon to 1:30, in ASRC 660.  Please come eat lunch and plan how to build pressure for bargaining this Fall, when it all heats up.

Help reach out to members of other unions!  Saturday,  June 29th, 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.;  Holladay Park  (NE 11th & Holladay St.)
Come help staff a PSU-AAUP table to pass out fliers at a rally and march on the last Saturday of June.  The rally, for quality education, jobs, and protection for all workers, is sponsored by the Portland Jobs with Justice, a coalition of union and community organizations of which PSU-AAUP is a member. For more info:
If you can help, call  503.926.4268, or e-mail our PSU-AAUP Jobs with Justice Liaison.

Save the date for a picnic before bargaining on July 2nd, 11:30 am in the Park Blocks!   We'll eat together, and then head into Bargaining, in SMSU 338.

Mary King,
President, PSU-AAUP

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