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President’s Message for May 29, from José Padín

May 30, 2017 / PSU-AAUP

We are shaken by the incident of racism on the MAX this past weekend, and by the tragedy that followed. Portland is our city, PSU is the university that serves the city, and hundreds of students, faculty, academic professionals, and other staff, travel on the MAX every day.

We grieve for the families of the lost ones.

We grieve for the loss of safety in public places being experienced by immigrants, Muslims, and all those who don’t fit a racist profile of America that members of the national administration have promoted to capitalize on hatred and fear for political gain.

PSU-AAUP takes to heart the courage of all the victims this weekend and we stand by all members of our community — campus, city, state, country — who have to live in fear of hatred and intolerance. 

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