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Portland State Foundation Will Give Another $150,000 to Payroll Tax Campaign

April 14, 2016 / PSU-AAUP

The Oregonian/OregonLive
By Andrew Theen
April 12, 2016

The Portland State University foundation is upping the ante in its support for a proposed payroll tax on metro business owners that has already rankled some local business leaders.

PSU's foundation announced it would give $150,000 Tuesday to benefit the proposed payroll tax that could raise $35 million to $40 million annually for PSU.

The check puts the foundation's contribution to the proposed payroll tax at $250,000. The donation hasn't shown up yet on the Oregon Secretary of State's campaign contributions website.

"The PSU Foundation's mission is to provide critically needed support to our students, faculty and the university," Mark Rosenbaum, chairman of the foundation's board of trustees said in a statement. "The initiative addresses PSU's substantial state funding gap and the significant needs of our Portland area students who provide so much economic vitality to our region."

See the full article.

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