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Oregon chief education officer ‘confident’ public education will advance under Gov. Kate Brown

February 17, 2015 / PSU-AAUP

February 16th, 2015

Oregon's chief education officer, Nancy Golden, said Monday she is confident that public education will advance under governor-to-be Kate Brown, given Brown's track record.

"Kate Brown has led as Secretary of State on key education priorities, including closing the opportunity gap and support for quality teaching," Golden said in a statement, referring to two recent audits done at Brown's behest in the past year and a half.

"She has a tremendous heart and passion for student success and has been more engaged in education issues than any other Secretary of State in recent memory," Golden said.

Oregon schools chief Rob Saxton said he is very much on the same page as Golden in his views about Brown and what her leadership will mean for Oregon students.

Saxton noted that he and his staff worked closely with Brown and hers on the performance audit that looked in depth at whether and how Oregon middle schools are helping low-income and minority students read and do math as well as their not-low-income and white counterparts.

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