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Promoting Quality Higher Education– An Investment in Oregon’s Future


Open Bargaining Starts Next Week!

April 21, 2022 / PSU-AAUP

The Bargaining Team is in the process of getting other dates scheduled, but the kick-off date is now confirmed:

  • Wed, Apr 27th
    8:30 AM - 12 Noon

Your presence makes a huge difference!  You don’t have to stay all morning - come and go as you can!

The link to this session will not be shared by the facilitator until the bargaining teams solidify the ground rules in closed session. We anticipate that finalizing the ground rules may take 20-30 mins, after which bargaining will be open for attendees! Members who have provided the AAUP office with a cell phone number will receive a text blast as soon as the zoom link is publicized.

We will email and text the Zoom link as soon as the session become open to the public. We anticipate that it will be around 9AM.

We’ve set a goal of 50-100+ members attending each bargaining Zoom session. Why? The Collective Bargaining Team (CBT) is small but mighty (about 6 of us). More important: in order to achieve the raises and COLA increases and other financial improvements we all need, the Admin is going to need to see BIG MEMBER ACTION.

We look forward to ‘seeing’ you all at bargaining!

Are You Ready for Action?
Member actions are the power that take us all where we want to go. Click here to let AAUP Leadership know what actions you’re ready to take to make change on this campus and to secure fair raises and cost-of-living increases! Many of these actions are quick and easy.

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