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OPB and Oregonian coverage of last week’s BoT speakout

December 02, 2024 / PSU-AAUP

Speaker at desk with group of people behind
speaker at desk with group of people behind
OPB and Oregonian coverage of last week’s BoT speakout

OPB quoted multiple faculty, students, and staff in their coverage: ‘Our faculty are not a liability’: PSU professors, students push back on staff cuts amid budget crisis

“Only investment in the people of this institution can create a flourishing and thriving university,” said [PSU-AAUP] member Elizabeth McMurtry. “Go shake Jordan Schnitzer’s, Phil Knight’s, and the statehouse couch cushions and use that revenue to keep your workers.”

“I want to firmly state that our faculty are not a liability,” said PSU student Sam Butler. “They are people and also the best tool this institution has to combat dropping enrollment.”

PSU-AAUP President Emily Ford was quoted in The Oregonian’s article Labor unrest continues at Oregon universities, saying, “This Board and its Administration are fumbling into serious labor strife.”

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