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Online Ed Skepticism and Self-Sufficiency: Survey of Faculty Views on Technology

October 30, 2014 / PSU-AAUP

Inside Higher Ed
October 29th, 2014

The massive open online course craze may have subsided, but the debate about the role of online courses in higher education persists. Even as more faculty members experiment with online education, they continue to fear that the record-high number of students taking those classes are receiving an inferior experience to what can be delivered in the classroom, Inside Higher Ed’s new Survey of Faculty Attitudes on Technology suggests.

Gallup surveyed 2,799 faculty members and 288 academic technology administrators this August and September on issues identified by Inside Higher Ed. A copy of the report can be downloaded here.

Highlights include:

  •     Virtually all faculty members and technology administrators say meaningful student-teacher interaction is a hallmark of a quality online education, and that it is missing from most online courses.
  •     A majority of faculty members with online teaching experience still say those courses produce results inferior to in-person courses.

Read more highlights here

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